Resign or reshuffle? How to change your job with purpose

Resign or reshuffle? How to change your job with purpose

#workisworship, career, teaching
I’ve been hearing a lot among friends in business, and in the business press, about "The Great Resignation", as millions of people resign from their jobs. But I recently read a piece about an interview with LinkedIn CEO, Ryan Roslansky, in which he says that what’s really happening is a “Great Reshuffle”, as people search for more meaningful work. "You have employees globally who are rethinking not just how they work, but why they work and what they most want to do with their careers and lives", says Roslansky. In essence, the point Roslansky is making - backed with millions of datapoints from LinkedIn profiles - is that we’re in a period of transition, and people are thinking, “what do I really want to be doing?” LinkedIn looked at their…
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Abide in the word to grow as a disciple

Over the next three months we will be looking at some of the characteristics of how to grow as a disciple in the marketplace. We are starting with the word of God. Abiding in the word John 8:31 (ESV) 31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples" In the gospel of John, we have the first mention of “disciple” in Chapter 8. Here Jesus is clearly speaking to believers, those who have trusted in Jesus for their salvation. Now He wants to challenge them in how to have that closer fellowship with Him, how to continue in their belief. Firstly they had to believe, the first step in faith and obedience to Jesus; now He gives…
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What does being a disciple for Christ mean?

What does being a disciple for Christ mean?

Is there a difference between just believing in Jesus and living totally for Him? Where do you think you are in your journey as a Spirit-filled believer? What can you do to receive all of what Christ has for you? Jesus sets out a challenge in the Gospel of John. “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honour him.” John 12:25-26 (ESV) In the previous verse, Jesus has just spoken about His upcoming death; that He will give up His life so that sin can be overcome, and spiritual fruit can flourish. …
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What Kind Of Clay Will You And I Be?

What Kind Of Clay Will You And I Be?

ekklesia, teaching
I was encouraged recently to receive this message from David Foster, who is Senior Pastor at Manor Park Christian Centre and Chaplain to the Metropolitan Police in Newham, London. It is reproduced below with Pastor David's permission: As we continue to navigate the days ahead, the most important thing we can do is to keep our eyes focused upon Jesus.  Many Christian leaders are in agreement that the Lord’s desire over the past 13 months of the Covid-19 pandemic has been to continue to change His Church into what He wants us to be.  This means that the Church as we have known it in the past will be changed to look and to be something different in the days ahead.  He wants “to make her [His Church—believers in Christ]…
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The Word of our God endures forever

The Word of our God endures forever

In practice, teaching
The importance of being rooted in God’s Word as a Marketplace Minister “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”Isaiah 40:8 This verse has enchanted me ever since I was young. The grass and flowers: part of God’s awesome Creation, things that we appreciate for their beauty but equally we take for granted, even they fail. But, we can choose to root ourselves in something that is everlasting, that which will challenge us, grow us and never fail us: God’s Word. In my role as a Marketplace Minister, all I do begins with my foundation in scripture. It has to be, because what I am called to do, I cannot do with my own strength and understanding. For transformation that begins in the…
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Get the App: Transform Our World

Get the App: Transform Our World

There is a world-changer inside of everyone that needs to be activated. This app will equip and empower you on your journey to operate as the Ekklesia - God's vehicle to transform the world through the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You will receive daily devotions, weekly podcasts and powerful video testimonies that illustrate what it looks like. Find out more or download the app here. Then once you have installed the app, click the 'Join the Community' option to receive premium updates.
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Books to inspire your Ekklesia journey

Books to inspire your Ekklesia journey

Ed Silvoso’s book, Ekklesia, is the core textbook for term two of our marketplace ministry training curriculum. Silvoso opens with a statement that when Jesus announced the Church, he described it not in religious terms but as his ekklesia - a secular term used by the Greeks and Romans to describe an institution operating in the marketplace in a governmental capacity. The implications are immense, as the author explains: “The Temple and the synagogue were static institutions that functioned in buildings that members had to go to on specified occasions, whereas the Ekklesia was a building-less mobile people movement designed to operate 24/7 in the marketplace for the purpose of having an impact on everybody and everything.” The book provides a glimpse of what God is doing in this generation…
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Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers

In a previous training session, we looked at how the battle is in the heavenly places. This truth is fundamental when it comes to how we operate as Christians in the marketplace. Our real challenge is NOT that pile of filing on our desk; that brimming email inbox; that cashflow problem on our bank statements; that difficult customer or colleague. Rather, remember that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12-13). Knowing that the battle is in the heavenly places is essential to our understanding of our role as marketplace ministers. It will affect how and why we pray for the lost. For a refresher…
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