Trusting God in the Waiting

Love it or hate it, waiting is a part of the human experience. It shows up in every area of our lives – (our work life is not exempt!) It can be frustrating; it can be painful; and it is definitely uncertain. But as Christians, how can we live well in the waiting? Tomi, a Worship.Works Graduate (2021), shares some personal reflections on how she handles times of waiting by bringing God into the process with her.

I started this year with God impressing the word ‘trust’ on my heart. When we think of trust, we think of a ‘firm belief’. Trust means ‘to be confident in the truth or ability of someone or something’. For a Christian, that ‘someone’ is God, and He wants us to be reliant on Him and to trust the promises captured in His Word. This passage from Jeremiah shows us what life looks like when we put our trust in God:

“But blessed is the man who trusts me, God, 
the woman who sticks with God. 
They’re like trees replanted in Eden, 
putting down roots near the rivers-
Never a worry through the hottest of summers, 
never dropping a leaf, 
Serene and calm through droughts, 
bearing fresh fruit every season.”

Jeremiah 17:7-8 [MSG]

These verses show us what it means to have hope and confidence in God. They contain a promise that if we will firmly root ourselves in God and hold on to Him by faith, we will flourish and experience peace, even in the midst of intensely dry and difficult circumstances. When we hold on to the truth of who God is then every season can be a fruitful season! The waiting season can be a fruit-bearing season!

Waiting is often hard. It’s challenging to trust God with an unknown future and a timeline that we can’t control. The popular scripture in Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG) gives us hope in the waiting: 

“I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hoped for.” 

Our Heavenly Father knows our every need before we utter them (Matt 6:8), and He is intimately aware of the details of our lives like a story written in His book (Psalm 139:16). Every page of our life is perfectly written with intention and thought. Therefore, we show our trust in God – our Author – by living with confidence that He will be faithful to fulfil that which He has promised.

As we reflect, assess, plan and await what will unfold, there is a spiritual posture we are to carry. We are to be God-conscious and fully convinced that there is nothing insurmountable when God is by our side. You might be wondering, ‘What can I possibly do while I wait for God to fulfil His promises?’ Here are a few steps: 

  1. Prayer

The Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing and present all our requests to God. God wants you to know your authority in the place of prayer because your words carry great power in the heavens. Kenneth Hagin says in his book ‘The Believer’s Authority’:

“We’re waiting on God, and He’s waiting on us, and He won’t do anything until we act.” 

We take action by praying in the name of Jesus Christ as the Bible promises us in John 14:14. Ask in faith and believe that God has given you the power to call forth your seasons so you receive His joy in full.

  1. Anticipate with Joy 

While we are in the waiting season, it is important to know that God never leaves us without a word. We can hold on to the truth of Psalm 139:12 which says: 

“even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.”

We have the power to see what God is doing in the midst of trials – how He is developing our character and maturing us spiritually. The book of James tells us to count it pure joy when we get tested because we get to see our endurance grow (James 1:2-4). We find joy in the presence of God and can rejoice in Him, even in the presence of storms. 

  1. Rest in God  

It is God’s desire that we experience His perfect peace, and that our lives will be free from anxiety and worry. We must be intentional in coming to Jesus in order to enter His rest, as described  in Matthew 11:28-30 which says:

“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

We remain in His rest by keeping our gaze on Jesus. This reminded me of when Peter was walking on water but got frightened by the storm and began to sink. Peter had let doubt creep into his heart and forgot Jesus was right beside him. How often do we forget that Jesus is with us? But I want to remind you to be still, remember He is with you and wait patiently for Him.

So as you await the full manifestation of God’s promises in your life, can I encourage you to posture your heart right, stand firm in the word of God and do not give up trusting Him. Always remember that God is with you and He has promised you overwhelming victory through Christ, who loves us.

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