Prayer Map

This Prayer Map is a visual guide as our team of marketplace ministers pray together each day. It’s covered in sticky notes, colour coded by theme:

Blue: Nations and communities

As we sense a nation on our hearts, we pray for it – we might pray for its government and systems, for peace over that nation, for its relationships with other nations. Through our work and research we look to discover what the key and emerging issues are for that nation, so that we can pray more effectively for it. If we have colleagues or clients in that nation, we learn from them how to pray for it.

Sometimes as we have been led to pray for a nation, the Lord has opened up new business (aka ministry) opportunities in that nation, confirming that this is a nation He is leading us to touch in some way.

Yellow: Clients and stakeholders

When we pray for clients and other stakeholders (such as suppliers or business partners), we are not usually asking for new clients or new business. We are praying for them as individuals, and corporately as companies or organisations. We trust that through the relationships we have with people in client companies, we can bring light and love to individuals and companies, and through them to touch nations.

Pink: Team members

We also pray for current and future team members, for specific needs and for their ministry. By covering each other in prayer, even though we are a small team dispersed all over the world, we are connected.