Prayer Map

Prayer Map

In practice
This Prayer Map is a visual guide as our team of marketplace ministers pray together each day. It's covered in sticky notes, colour coded by theme: Blue: Nations and communities As we sense a nation on our hearts, we pray for it - we might pray for its government and systems, for peace over that nation, for its relationships with other nations. Through our work and research we look to discover what the key and emerging issues are for that nation, so that we can pray more effectively for it. If we have colleagues or clients in that nation, we learn from them how to pray for it. Sometimes as we have been led to pray for a nation, the Lord has opened up new business (aka ministry) opportunities in that…
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In practice
The daily pray-up is a 30-minute time to pray and reflect each morning for one of the teams we work with. All team members are welcome to join, and the session is loosely divided into 5-minute slots with a focus aligned with the company's mission and vision. A poster reminds the team about each of the key areas to pray into:
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